The Agency Bouregreg organizing a new meeting with civil society, in partnership with Bouregreg and Ribat Al Fath associations. The event, organized the Thursday, March 15 at 16:30 at the headquarters of the Bouregreg Association, aims to present the achievements conducted as part of the development of the Bouregreg valley, as well as future projects. This is in other words, to prepare a progress report for the period 2006-2011, characterized by the delivery of major infrastructure of the first phase of the project.

About “Building Bouregreg” …

Shoreline development of Bouregreg is a historic opportunity for the upgrading of urban-capital; a chance that all city stakeholders must ponder and grasp to best contribute to its success. The Bouregreg Association and the Agency for the Development of the Bouregreg Valley, like other players in Rabat-Sale, are convinced that one of the keys to the success of a project of such magnitude and complexity lies in the massive support of the residents of the agglomeration that purpose.

Aware that this appropriation requires a long and patient work of information, explanation, listening and exchange, both partners contributed to the public debate by organizing a series of meetings around the major projects that are the Bouregreg closure costs of Oulja and Akreuch the tunnel Oudayas, the Hassan II bridge, tram, fishing port and marina and the City of Arts and its articulation with the medinas of Rabat and Salé, the improvement of quays, heritage enhancement …

Each theme leads to a presentation by officials of the Agency and associated consultants. But above all, each meeting of the “Building of the Bouregreg” is the opportunity for participants to discuss the ins and outs of the project presented, discuss the foreseeable economic and social impacts, and to express their opinion in relation to decisions Agency – including technical choices, urban and architectural parties and selected financial arrangements.